
Thoughts and Dreams of a Labruskie

All About An Indi Dog

I'm a Husky/Retriever Cross with a quizical expression.(Does that make me a Labruskie or a Husktriever) I came to live with my owners from Manchester on 24 November 2008. My family is two humans B & P, assorted wildlife, extended family humans and lots and lots of fish!!

Welcome to My World

Welcome to my New Site - I hope you like it! Keep up to date with all my adventures or check out my rated walkies suggestions If you would like to leave me a message please remember it doesn't appear right away as I have to do something called moderating - it is a bit like chewing - to make sure nothing in your comments will be worrying to a little pup!

What a difference a month makes!

I am getting a big boy now and have lived here for 6 whole weeks so I thought I would have a think about all the new things I can do now I am a big puppy!

I have to wear a big boy collar now - my baby one was getting tight - B got me a really really cool one that is camoflage just like P's fave trousers - so we match when we step out together!

I can get to stuff on the side if I stand on two legs - now I admit this act usually gets me in trouble but you know what maybe it is worth it cos there are sometimes good pickings up there - like Moomin's dinner!

I can bounce up onto the back of the setee in B's office and look out of the high window at all the sheep and people's gardens - it is great to watch birds and cats from up high! (see picture)

I can sleep right through the night without needing a wee - this gets me lots of praise and sometimes a treat.

I can go for longer big boy walks with lots of sniffing and ball chasing if I am lucky

I can go longer in the day without needing to go out - this is good as it means I dont need to stop playing so much.

I can have all my dinner in one go as I have learnt that I dont need to eat really really really quickly (I still need to sit nicely and wait for it though)

I can ride in the boot when we go out in the car - which means I have loads more space and can look out of the big window at all the cars behind!

things I can't really do anymore:

I can't ask for a carry if I am tired when out - well I can but I get told I am a lump and there is no way I am getting one

I can't really fit on the settee downstairs if both B & P are on it - I used to fit between them but now apparently I have too many legs - but I have my big boy bed in front of the telly so I dont mind too much!

I can't sit on people's knees for hours at an end anymore as apparently I make their legs go dead (dont worry that doesn't mean I dont get snuggles)

Guess that is not too many things I can't do anymore but quite a few new things so I guess growing up isn't a bad thing - off to show raggy moo the sheep from the office window - lick ya later!


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Upside Down

Catching Bubbles

Me and Auntie Ellie

Worn Out Pup


Bed with a View

