
Thoughts and Dreams of a Labruskie

All About An Indi Dog

I'm a Husky/Retriever Cross with a quizical expression.(Does that make me a Labruskie or a Husktriever) I came to live with my owners from Manchester on 24 November 2008. My family is two humans B & P, assorted wildlife, extended family humans and lots and lots of fish!!

Welcome to My World

Welcome to my New Site - I hope you like it! Keep up to date with all my adventures or check out my rated walkies suggestions If you would like to leave me a message please remember it doesn't appear right away as I have to do something called moderating - it is a bit like chewing - to make sure nothing in your comments will be worrying to a little pup!

Cream Crackered Pupling

Good grief I am several inches shorter than I was a couple of weeks ago! Why's that you ask? Well I have just been soo busy it isn't true. First P seems determind to walk my legs off - not happy with walking back from Haigh Hall - we have started walking to Haigh Hall and back!

Then B and P have been building things in the garden - it is called a fence and is designed to keep me out of part of MY garden - well B says it is her garden but I know the truth! So now there is a big green thing in my garden and I have been having to supervise the painting and drilling and nailing! Ok so I ended up supervising from the conservatory because of the fact I almost turned into a green doggy! But the point is I haven't had my puppy naps while it has been going on!

And if that isn't enough there have been house cleaning and Easter biscuit makings to supervise too! I never realised being a Puppy was soooooooooooooo busy!

I have discovered a new walkie tooo - Yarrow Country Park - I am hoping to go back there soon - check out my review under Walkies - Lancashire section.

Apparently we now have four days of both B and P being off work - it is something to do with this thing called Easter - Lily is coming up too - and there is something called the easter bunny to keep a look out for - I am hoping that Easter also includes some mega walkies and lots of time for sleeping!!

Off to bed now - big puppy yawns - snuff ya laters!


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Upside Down

Catching Bubbles

Me and Auntie Ellie

Worn Out Pup


Bed with a View

